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Install IIS7 to work with MS SQL Server 2005 on Vista/Win7

You need to enable the following features to make your MS SQL Server 2005 work with Vista/Windows 7 before installing MS SQl Server 2005. Here is the list of IIS 7 role services that need to be installed:

1. Control Panel
2. Programs and Features
3. Turn Windows features on or off
4. Enable

Enable various features of IIS

1. Web management tools

1.1. IIS 6 Management Compatibility

1.1.1. IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
1.1.2. IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility

2. World Wide Web Services

2.1. Application Development Features

2.1.1. .NET Extensibility
2.1.2. ASP.NET
2.1.3. ISAPI Extensions
2.1.4. ISAPI Filters

2.2 Common Http Features

2.2.1. Default Document
2.2.2. Directory Browsing
2.2. 3. HTTP Redirection
2.2.4. Static Content

3. Security

3.1. Windows Authentication (Not available on Windows Vista Basic/Premium)


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