Kali Linux basically come with pen testing packages, but you still need some day to day utilities packages. Here are the list of things that I do after installing Kali Linux. 1. Installing Archiving package sudo apt-get install unrar unace rar unrar p7zip zip unzip p7zip-full p7zip-rar file-roller 2. Installing Gimp sudo apt-get install gimp 3. Installing Virtual Box sudo apt-get install virtualbox 4. Installing Remote Desktop Client sudo apt-get install remmina 5. Installing FTP Client sudo apt-get install filezilla filezilla-common 6. Installing Adobe Flash Player sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree 7. Installing PlayonLinux sudo apt-get install playonlinux Finally adding deb-multimedia.org repository . So that you can install additional multimedia packages on you Debian box. 8. Installing video editing package sudo apt-get install avidemux
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