Aug 8, 2012

Installing Yii Framework in XAMPP

Yii is a component-based high-performance PHP framework. Yii provides nearly every feature needed by today's Web 2.0 application development like MVC, web services, theming, widgets and so on.

1. Download the framework from
2. Extract the file and place it into your xampps htdocs. For this tutorial, I have extracted D:\XAMPP\htdocs\yiiframework
3. Make sure that Apache and MySQL services are running in XAMPP.
4. There is some requirement checking to be done, so browse to http://localhost/yiiframework/requirements/
5. Make sure that you pass all the requirements and there is no Failed status.
6. Lets set system variable. Go to My Computer>Properties>Advance System Settings>Environment Variables. Under System Variables select Path variable and Edit. In Variable Value, append ;D:\xampp\php at the end of line. The reason we do this is because, if we don't set the value we get error "php.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command" during web application set using yiic comand.
7. Now we have to create a web application using yii framework. To do that open Command Prompt and make sure to run as Administrator. Navigate to D:\xampp\htdocs\yiiframework\framework\. Type following command to create web app
yiic webapp ..\..\testapp
You will be prompted with yes|No, type yes to create web application.
The above command will create a web application named test app in my htdocs folder.

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